
Who are Schools of Hope tutors?
Schools of Hope enjoys broad-based community support from its actively engaged community volunteers. Our tutors include parents, grandparents, high school students, post-secondary students, business partners, communities of faith, neighborhood residents and older adults. Tutors have a wide range of backgrounds and training- previous experience teaching or tutoring is not required.
What do Schools of Hope tutors do?
Schools of Hope tutors are assigned to work one-on-one or one-on-two with students who are in need of additional help in achieving academic success. Tutors work with students on reading and literacy activities. See our Elementary-Volunteer-Tutor-Job-Description for more details about tutoring with Schools of Hope.
Where do Schools of Hope tutors volunteer?
In Madison and Sun Prairie Elementary Schools! Tutors are placed based on the tutors’ interests, geographic preferences and availability, as well as school needs.
When do Schools of Hope tutors volunteer?
We ask our tutors to commit at least one hour per week on a consistent basis for at least one academic semester. During the school year, tutoring takes place during the day. Most tutoring happens during the school day, between the hours of 8:30 am and 3:30 pm. Some after-school opportunities are available at select sites. At this time, Schools of Hope does not have tutoring opportunities available in the summer.
Why do Schools of Hope tutors volunteer their time?
Schools of Hope tutors enjoy building relationships with students and seeing an increase in their academic success. Results from our annual surveys of teachers and tutors consistently reflect that our Schools of Hope tutors are helping to improve student skills and that the tutors are receiving the support they need to have a positive experience. School staff consistently respond in the 92%-97% range to statements that the volunteers contributed positively to an increase in student literacy skills, math skills, attitude toward reading, and positive changes in student behavior. We’re pleased to know that 99% of our tutors feel that we’ve provided them with appropriate orientation and helped them to feel comfortable at the school. A benefit for tutors is that 98% say tutoring has increased their understanding of student and school needs.